The story of CUPBALL begins with David Depcik, its inventor, playing baseball as a boy on the streets of Chicago. An active young boy having fun, UNTIL the baseball hits a car or breaks a window!
David's idea to fix this problem was to substitute a flexible plastic cup for a ball. Unlike a baseball, the cup didn't damage anything and didn't go far when hit, so David and his friends could play just about anywhere. But David wasn't finished with his idea just yet; he found that by holding the cup in different ways, he could throw different curving pitches.
CUPBALL was born!
Years passed. David graduated from Illinois Institute of Technology with a degree in Industrial Engineering, began his career, married and raised a family ... but, never forgot the fun he had playing CUPBALL as a kid.
Toward the end of his successful career, David became aware of the increasingly sedentary life of today's children, spending much of their time on computers and communicating through social media rather than in person. In contrast, he thought how he spent his childhood, what he learned from being with other kids, and the simple joy of playing ball. He also remembered his CUPBALL idea and thought about the benefits it might have for an entirely new generation. With those thoughts, David set about using his engineering skills and experience to develop CUPBALL, then sought and obtained a patent and trademark for his invention.
The final step for David is to get his invention and its benefits into the hands of today's children. What could be more satisfying than partnering with a great product, filling CUPBALLs with something kids love, then seeing the children and their friends and family having healthy active fun playing CUPBALL! ... Oh, and no broken windows!